2165-3275 (print)
2165-3283 (online)
The transitional breakdown of the word
Vol. 1
Jussi Backman
Heidegger's later thinking of animality
Andrew J Mitchell
Astonishing! things make sense!
Thomas Sheehan
Meaning, excess, and event
Richard Polt
Richard Capobianco, Engaging Heidegger
Lawrence Hatab
The unity in the transformation of Martin Heidegger’s thinking
Vol. 10
Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Herrmann
The uncanny in the time of pandemics
Kevin Aho
Attention as the way to Being
Lawrence A. Berger
The Greek sources of Heidegger's Alētheia as primordial truth-experience
George Saad
The art of fugue
Vol. 2
David Nowell-Smith
The perils of overcoming "worldliness' in Kierkegaard and Heidegger
Adam Buben
From Destruktion to the history of being
Will McNeill
The event of space
François Raffoul
Trading in being
Krzysztof Ziarek
Heidegger on discourse and idle talk
Vol. 3
Jesús Adrián Escudero
From Jena to Freiburg, via Asia minor
Hakhamanesh Zangeneh
From the facticity of Dasein to the facticity of nature
Raoni Padui
Faith's knowledge
Sophie-Jan Arrien
Translating Contributions
Wayne Froman
Questioning and the divine in Heidegger's Beiträge
Vol. 4
Musa Duman
Heidegger's differential concept of truth in Beiträge
James Bahoh
Denis McManus, Heidegger & the measure of truth
Joseph Rouse
John Haugeland, Dasein disclosed
Hans Pedersen
Scott M. Campbell, The early Heidegger's philosophy of life
Natalie Nenadic
The paradigm shifts of hermeneutic phenomenology
Theodore Kisiel
Truth and unconcealedness
Graeme Nicholson
Krzysztof Ziarek, Language after Heidegger
Adam Knowles
A reception history of the Black notebooks
Vol. 5
Andrzej Serafin
Heidegger, "world judaism," and modernity
Peter Trawny
Heidegger, machination, and the Jewish question
Anthony Steinbock
Heidegger's "nazism" as veiled Nietzscheanism and Heideggerianism
Joshua William Rayman, Joshua Rayman
Heidegger's mask
Heidegger's Black notebooks and the question of anti-semitism
The thing and I
Vol. 6
Shane M. Ewegen
Heidegger on the way from onto-historical ethnocentrism to East-West dialogue
Bret W Davis
Heidegger and Jünger
Timothy Sean Quinn
The disunity of factical life
Derek Aggleton
On Heidegger's Einmaligkeit again
The point of language in Heidegger's thinking
Thinking the abyss of history
Ryan Johnson
Heidegger's birth
Vol. 7
Peter Hanly
Heidegger's legacy
Being without (Heidegger)
Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback
Heidegger's Hausfreund and the re-enchantment of the familiar
Julia A. Ireland
Attunements, truth, and errancy in Heidegger's thinking
Daniela Vallega-Neu
The negativity of time-space
John Sallis
Dominique Janicaud's Heidegger in France
Heidegger and the poetics of time
Rebecca A. Longtin
Being is evil
Robert Bernasconi
The catastrophic essence of the human being in Heidegger's readings of Antigone
Scott Campbell
"...and the whole music box repeats eternally its tune..."
Jessica Elkayam
The critique of biology implied by fundamental concepts of metaphysics
Vol. 8
Dimitri Ginev
Robert Scharff's how history matters to philosophy
Daniel Dahlstrom
Being and time §18
Geoffrey Bennington's Scatter 1
Rodrigo Therezo
Richard Capobianco's Heidegger's way of being
Katherine Davies
Redescribing the zuhanden-vorhanden relation
Katherine Withy's Heidegger on being uncanny
Emily Gillcrist
Report on the Meßkirch Heidegger archive
Ian Alexander Moore
Heidegger's epicureanism
Vol. 9
Paul Gyllenhammer
Symposium: beyond presence?
Jussi Backman, Taylor Carman, Daniel Dahlstrom, Graham Harman, Michael Marder, Richard Polt
Lawrence J. Hatab, Proto-phenomenology and the nature of language
William Richardson's questions for Martin Heidegger's "preface"
William Richardson, Richard Capobianco, Ian Alexander Moore
Kevin Aho, ed. Existential medicine: essays on health and illness
Casey Rentmeester
Jussi Backman, Complicated presence: Heidegger and the postmetaphysical unity of being
Pascal Massie
From matter to earth
Khafiz Kerimov
Accidental origins
Jennifer Gammage
The place-being of the clearing and language
Onur Karamercan
Andrew Benjamin and Dimitris Vardoulakis, eds. Sparks will fly: Benjamin and Heidegger
Benjamin Brewer
Gregory Fried and Richard Polt, eds. After Heidegger?