Andrew J Mitchell
(2018). Heidegger unter Bildhauern: Körper, Raum und die Kunst des Wohnens, transl. P. Trawny, Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main.
(2017). Rethinking thinking: Heidegger in the 1950s. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 38 (1), pp. 115-129.
with Trawny, P. (eds) (2017). Heidegger's Black notebooks: Responses to anti-semitism, Columbia University Press, New York.
(2015). The Fourfold: Reading the Late Heidegger, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Ill.
(2013). The coming of history: Heidegger and Nietzsche against the present. Continental Philosophy Review 46 (3), pp. 395-411.
(2011). Heidegger's later thinking of animality: the end of world poverty. Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 1, pp. 74-85.
(2010). Heidegger among the sculptors: body, space, and the art of dwelling, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
(2010)., The fourfold, in B. W. Davis (ed.), Martin Heidegger, Durham, Acumen, pp. 208-218.