Springer, Dordrecht


665 Pages

ISBN 978-1-4020-4803-6

International Handbooks of Religion and Education
vol. 1

International handbook of the religious, moral and spiritual dimensions in education

Edited by

Mariande Souza , Gloria Durka , Kathleen Engebretson , Robert Jackson

In today's complex and plural world, there has been, particularly in western cultures, an identifiable change in peoples' relationships with religious traditions. Some of these changes have also permeated non-western cultural traditions as they have been exposed to and influenced by television and other media that is dominated by western life styles and contexts. A corresponding movement is a vital resurgence of interest in human spirituality. Traditionally, spirituality has resided and been contained within religious frameworks but while the linksbetween the two areas are still acknowledged by many in the contemporary world, spirituality is perceived by some as an aspect of human life that is distinct from religion. Consequently, many are searching for meaning within and without religious traditions today and seeking answers to ethical and moral questions that have been generated by the knowledge and technological explosion. One outcome is the renewed interest in the religious, spiritual and moral dimensions of education throughout the life cycle.

This International Handbook presents the research and professional practice of scholars who are daily engaged in the consideration of these dimensions in education. The result is a collection of essays which reflects the discipline, in all of its internationality, as it is today. Embedded within the chapters is also an agenda for the future, where the religious, moral and spiritual dimensions in education are proposed as an exciting and challenging way forward for educators at all levels in society. As well, it offers a vision for the emergence of a peaceful and just world.

Publication details

Full citation:

Souza, M. , Durka, G. , Engebretson, K. , Jackson, R. (eds) (2006). International handbook of the religious, moral and spiritual dimensions in education, Springer, Dordrecht.

Table of Contents

Introduction to section one

Durka Gloria


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Religions in the post modernist era

Smith Joanmarie


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What is rising? the teaching of Maria Harris

Giannelli Aileen Carlin


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It takes more than angels

Nolan Lucinda A.


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From st Ignatius to Obi-wan Kenobi

Rossiter Graham


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Defining spirituality in education

Belousa Inga


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McDougall Roseanne


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Religious education and peace education

Baratte Linda L.


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Introduction to section two

Jackson Robert


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Plural selves and living traditions

Meijer Wilna A.J.


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Dynamics of religious culture

Moore Mary C.; Moore Mary


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Religion education in south Africa

Chidester David


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Teaching about religion at school in France

Estivalèzes Mireille


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Introduction to section three

Engebretson Kathleen


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Religious education in Europe

Ernst Nipkow Karl


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Phenomenology and religious education theory

Engebretson Kathleen


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