Gerhard Benetka
Professor of Psychology and Head of the Faculty of Psychology at the Sigmund Freud Private University with study sites in Vienna, Linz, Berlin and Milan; scientific director of a cultural psychology-oriented study program in psychology (Bachelor and Master program). Member of the German Society for Psychology and the Society for Cultural Psychology; Member of the Scientific Board of the journal Human Arenas. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning. Main Research Areas: History of Psychology and Psychoanalysis; philosophical and theoretical foundations of psychology. In 1995 he published his dissertation «Psychology in Vienna. Social History and History of Ideas of the Vienna Psychological Institute 1922-1938 ». G. Benetka is a specialist of the psychology in Austria in the 19th and 20th centuries and has published on this subject a large number of biographical and historical studies, interviews and theory-historical essays.
X(1989). Stolpersteine: Anmerkungen zur Karriere von Peter R. Hofstätter. Werkblatt, 6 (18-19), 91-102.
with Kienreich, W. (1989). Der Einmarsch in die akademische Seelenlehre. In G. Heiß, S. Mattl, S. Meissl, E. Saurer, & K. Stuhlpfarrer (Eds.). Willfährige Wissenschaft (pp. 115-132). Wien: Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik.
with Kienreich, W. (1989). Hochschulpsychologie in der Ostmark: Das Wiener Psychologische Institut. In K. Fallend, B. Handlbauer, & W. Kienreich (Eds.). Der Einmarsch in die Psyche (pp. 147-167). Wien: Junius.