Peter Øhrstrøm
(2019). A critical discussion of prior's philosophical and tense-logical analysis of the ideas of indeterminism and human freedom. Synthese, 196 (1), 69-85.
with Albretsen, J. , Hasle, P. F. (2016). Preface. Synthese, 193 (11), 3397-3399.
with Hasle, P. F. (2016). Prior's paradigm for the study of time and its methodological motivation. Synthese, 193 (11), 3401-3416.
(2016). The concept of time: a philosophical and logical perspective. In V. Arstila, & P. Øhrstrøm (Eds.). Philosophy and psychology of time (pp. 9-27). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Albretsen, J. , Hasle, P. F. (eds) (2016). Synthese 193 (11).
with Arstila, V. (eds) (2016). Philosophy and psychology of time. Dordrecht: Springer.
with Ploug, T. (2012). Branching time, indeterminism and tense logic. Synthese, 188 (3), 367-379.
with Gram-Hansen, L.B. , Sandborg-Petersen, U. (2012). Time and knowledge. Synthese, 188 (3), 417-422.
with Hasle, P. F. (2012). From a logical angle. Synthese, 188 (3), 325-330.
with Hasle, P. F. , Sandborg-Petersen, U. (2012). Preface. Synthese, 188 (3), 323-324.
with Zeller, J. , Sandborg-Petersen, U. (2012). Prior's defence of Hintikka's theorem: a discussion of prior's "the logic of obligation and the obligations of the logician". Synthese, 188 (3), 449-454.
with Hasle, P. F. , Sandborg-Petersen, U. (eds) (2012). Synthese 188 (3).
(2011). Towards a common language for the discussion of time based on prior's tense logic. In A. Vatakis, A. Esposito, M. Giagkou, & F. Cummins (Eds.). Multidisciplinary aspects of time and time perception (pp. 46-57). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Braüner, T. , Hasle, P. F. (2006). Preface. Synthese, 150 (3), 327-328.
with Braüner, T. , Hasle, P. F. (eds) (2006). Synthese 150 (3).
with Hitzler, P. (eds) (2006). Conceptual structures: inspiration and application: 14th international conference on conceptual structures, iccs 2006, aalborg, denmark, july 16-21, 2006. proceedings. Dordrecht: Springer.
(2004). A priorean approach to time ontologies. In K. E. Wolff, H. D. Pfeiffer, & H. Delugach (Eds.). Conceptual structures at work (pp. 388-401). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Wegener, M. (1997). A new tempo-modal logic for emerging truth. In J. Faye, U. Scheffler, & M. Urchs (Eds.). Perspectives on time (pp. 417-441). Dordrecht: Springer.
(1997). A. N. Prior's ideas on the relation between semantics and axiomatics for temporal logic. In J. Faye, U. Scheffler, & M. Urchs (Eds.). Perspectives on time (pp. 443-457). Dordrecht: Springer.