Kevin Aho
(2020). Temporal experience in anxiety: embodiment, selfhood, and the collapse of meaning. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 19 (2), 259-270.
(2020). The uncanny in the time of pandemics: Heideggerian reflections on the Coronavirus. Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual, 10, 1-19.
(ed) (2018). Existential medicine: essays on health and illness. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
(2015). Guignon on self-surrender and homelessness in Dostoevsky and Heidegger. In H. Pedersen & M. Altman (eds.) Horizons of authenticity in phenomenology, existentialism, and moral psychology (pp. 63-74). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Guignon Charles (2011). Medicalized psychiatry and the talking cure: a hermeneutic intervention. Human Studies, 34 (3), 293-.
(2010). Heidegger's neglect of the body. Albany: SUNY Press.
(2007). Gender and time: revisiting the question of Dasein's neutrality. Epoché, 12 (1), 137-155.
(2007). Logos and the poverty of animals: rethinking Heidegger's humanism. The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, 7, 109-126.