Krzysztof Ziarek
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(2012). Trading in being: event, capital, art. Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual, 2, 1-23.
(2008). "Without human meaning": Stevens, Heidegger and the foreignness of poetry. In B. Eeckhout & E. Ragg (eds.) Wallace Stevens across the atlantic (pp. 79-94). Dordrecht: Springer.
(2001). The historicity of experience: Modernity, the avant-garde, and the event. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
(2001). Alternative vision: ethics, power, and Levin's The philosopher gaze. Continental Philosophy Review, 34 (2), 225-235.
(2000). Proximities: Irigaray and Heidegger on difference. Continental Philosophy Review, 33 (2), 133-158.
(1995). The ethos of everydayness: Heidegger on poetry and language. Man and World, 28 (4), 377-399.