Andrea Altobrando
Studied philosophy at the University of Milano, among other with Carlo Sini. He obtained his PhD in 2008 from Wuppertal University and the University of Turin (advisors Ugo Ugazio and László Tengelyi). He has taught and carried out research at the Husserl Archives in Cologne and at the China University of Political Science and Law (Beijing). He is a co-editor-in-chief of Metodo.
with Aurora, S. (eds) (2024). Phenomenology and the sciences. Studia Phaenomenologica 24.
with Pugliese, A. (eds) (2023). The phenomenological quest beyond consciousness. Discipline Filosofiche 33 (2).
(2019)., The phenomenology of the pure ego and its dialectical actuality, in A. Ferrarin, D. Moran, E. Magrì & D. Manca (eds.), Hegel and phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 93-114.
with Taguchi, S. (eds) (2019). Phenomenology and Japanese philosophy, Springer, Dordrecht.
with Niikawa, , Stone, (2018)., Introduction, in A. Altobrando, T. Niikawa & R. Stone (eds.), The realizations of the self, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-12.
with Strawson, G. (2018)., Muddling through: an episodic conversation on self, narrativity, transience, and other pleasantries, in A. Altobrando, T. Niikawa & R. Stone (eds.), The realizations of the self, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-163.
with Niikawa, , Stone, (eds) (2018). The realizations of the self, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
(2017). La negazione: dal rifiuto al contrasto: Brentano e Husserl sul giudizio negativo. Verifiche: rivista di scienze umane 46 (2), pp. 139-177.
(2017). La negazione: dal rifiuto al contrasto: Brentano e Husserl sul giudizio negativo. Verifiche: rivista di scienze umane 46 (2), pp. 139-177.
(2017). On the transcendental - Part II. Metodo 1.2, pp. 7-10.
(ed) (2017). On the transcendental II. Metodo Special Issue 1.2.
Husserl, E. (2017). Meditazioni cartesiane, ed. Altobrando Andrea, Orthotes, Napoli.
(2015). On the transcendental. Metodo 1.1, pp. 7-10.
(ed) (2015). On the transcendental. Metodo Special Issue 1.1.
(2014). I "soggetti" di Husserl e la questione del soggettivismo. Paradigmi 1, pp. 157-175.
(2013). Esperienza e infinito: Contributo per una fenomenologia dell'idea di infinito a partire da Husserl, Verifiche, Trento.
with Pugliese, A. (2013). Introduction. Metodo 1 (1), pp. 1-3.
with Pugliese, A. (eds) (2013). On phenomenological method. Metodo 1 (1).
(2010). Husserl e il problema della monade, Trauben, Torino.
(2009). Review of Jean-Luc Marion, Dialogo con l'amore. Rivista di estetica 42, pp. 207-208.