Jeff Mitscherling
with Fairfield, P. (2019). Artistic creation: a phenomenological account, Rowman & Littlefield, London.
with Baltzer-Jaray, K. (2012). The phenomenological spring: Husserl and the Göttingen circle. Symposium 16 (2), pp. 1-19.
with Baltzer-Jaray, K. (eds) (2012). Husserl and the Göttingen circle. Symposium 16 (2).
(2010). The divine in Husserl and other explorations. Symposium 14 (2), pp. 191-196.
(2004). Husserl and Stein. Symposium 8 (1), pp. 147-149.
(2004). Nature: course notes from the collège de France. Symposium 8 (3), pp. 698-700.
(2004). Nietzsche on natural necessity and "the organic": Aristotelian reflections on David B. Allison's reading the new Nietzsche. Symposium 8 (1), pp. 57-71.
(2004). The identity of the architectural work of art. Symposium 8 (3), pp. 491-518.
(2004). Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Symposium 8 (2), pp. 379-388.
with Grondin, J. , Madison, G.B. (2002). In memoriam Hans-Georg Gadamer. Symposium 6 (1), pp. 5-10.
(2002). Gadamer's legacy in aesthetics and Plato studies. Symposium 6 (2), pp. 149-165.
(2001). Prophets and promises. Symposium 5 (2), pp. 155-182.
(2000). The Columbia history of Western philosophy. Symposium 4 (1), pp. 157-162.
(2000). The oral and the written gospel: the hermeneutics of speaking and writing in the synoptic tradition, Mark, Paul, and Q. Symposium 4 (1), pp. 155-157.
(1999). Encyclopedia of aesthetics. Symposium 3 (1), pp. 133-135.
(1998). Head and heart: affection, cognition, volition as triune consciousness. Symposium 2 (2), pp. 250-253.
(1992). Hegelian elements in Gadamer's notions of application and play. Man and World 25 (1), pp. 61-67.
(1989). Philosophical hermeneutics and "the tradition". Man and World 22 (2), pp. 247-250.
(). Medieval latin: an introduction and bibliographical guide. Symposium 1, pp. 87-90.
(). The reign of ideology. Symposium 1, pp. 83-87.
(). Toward a new interpretation of Plato. Symposium 1, pp. 92-95.