Edmund Husserl
Vol. 11/3
Erich Przywara
Phenomenology and existentialism
Vol. 37
Maurice Natanson
Hegel, Husserl and reason today
Jean Ladrière
A relational analysis of intentionality
Vol. 40
Robert R. Barr
Sartre's critique of the Husserlian ego
Vol. 44
Robert M. Doran
Consciousness in Brentano and Husserl
Vol. 45
Richard T Murphy
Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology. By Aron Gurwitsch
Robert Sokolowski
Metaphysical directives in Husserlian phenomenology
Vol. 48
Derek A. Kelly
Notes on the essential Merleau-Ponty
Vol. 48/2
Charles Kelbley
Time, subjectivity and the phenomenology of perception
John Sallis
Adventures of the dialectic
Vol. 52/4
William Hamrick
A comment on Husserl and solipsism
Vol. 52
Bernard Dauenhauer
Edmund Husserl, Experience and judgment
Vol. 53
Martin A. Bertmann
Passive and active elements in Husserl's notion of intentionality
Vol. 55
William F. Ryan
Husserl's overcoming of the problem of intersubjectivity
Jeffner Allen
Scheler's critique of Husserl's theory of the world of the natural standpoint
Quentin Smith
Husserl's interpretation and critique of Descartes in his Cartesian meditations
Thomas Attig
The difficulties of a phenomenological investigation of language
Vol. 57
Alphonso Lingis
The scope of Husserl's notion of horizon
Vol. 59
Stephen Hilmy
Edmund Husserl, Formal and transcendental logic
Vol. AS
George Stack