de Gruyter, Berlin


616 Pages

ISBN 9783110738858

Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill

with translations of original writings on philosophy as science by Franz Brentano

Edited by

Ion Tănăsescu, Alexandru Bejinariu, Susan Krantz Gabriel, Constantin Stoenescu

Before now, there has been no comprehensive analysis of the multiple relations between A. Comte’s and J.S. Mill’s positive philosophy and Franz Brentano’s work. The present volume aims to fill this gap and to identify Brentano’s position in the context of the positive philosophy of the 19th century by analyzing the following themes: the concept of positive knowledge; philosophy and empirical, genetic and descriptive psychology as sciences in Brentano, Comte and Mill; the strategies for the rebirth of philosophy inthese three authors; the theory of the ascending stages of thought, of their decline, of the intentionality in Comte and Brentano; the reception of Comte’s positivism in Whewell and Mill; induction and phenomenalism in Brentano, Mill and Bain; the problem of the "I" in Hume and Brentano; mathematics as a foundational science in Brentano, Kant and Mill; Brentano’s critique of Mach’s positivism; the concept of positive science in Brentano’s metaphysics and in Husserl’s early phenomenology; the reception of Brentano’s psychology in Twardowski; The Brentano Institute at Oxford. The volume also contains the translation of the most significant writings of Brentano regarding philosophy as science.

Publication details

Full citation:

Tănăsescu, I. , Bejinariu, A. , Krantz Gabriel, S. , Stoenescu, C. (eds) (2022). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill: with translations of original writings on philosophy as science by Franz Brentano, de Gruyter, Berlin.

Table of Contents


Tănăsescu Ion


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Comte on psychology

Bourdeau Michel


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Franz Brentano and Auguste Comte

Tănăsescu Ion


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Comte and Brentano

Savu Bianca


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Can we have scientific knowledge about God?

Krantz Gabriel Susan


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Descriptive and intentional contents

Bejinariu Alexandru


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Brentano in exile

Binder Thomas


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Habilitation Theses 1866

Brentano Franz


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On the law of historical development

Brentano Franz


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On Schelling’s philosophy

Brentano Franz


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On the Future of Philosophy

Brentano Franz


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My parting wishes for Austria 1894

Brentano Franz


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