(2020) Metodo 8 (1).

Wears and tears of the European humanities

Joseph Cohen , Raphael Zagury-Orly

pp. 135-161

The present context in Europe and in the West, as well as in many parts of the world, is marked by a devastating attack on the Humanities and, by extension, on the ideal of the university. These assaults are visible and manifest in numerous European countries today and their implications are also palpable in France. We shall begin by examining the nature of The present context in Europe and in the West, as well as in these attacks, as well as how and why they afect the ideal of the university to the point of provoking an unparalleled devaluation, perhaps even a negation, of critical discourse. Although we will also and in a certain way engage in what we could call – after Derrida – a “deconstruction of critique”, our aim will always be to inspire and thus ofer a novel future for critical theory.

Publication details

DOI: 10.19079/metodo.8.1.135

Full citation:

Cohen, J. , Zagury-Orly, R. (2020). Wears and tears of the European humanities. Metodo 8 (1), pp. 135-161.