(2019) Axiomathes 29 (5).

Existential quantifier and ontological pluralism

Pawel Garbacz

pp. 531-540

Within the context of the debate between ontological monists and pluralists the paper discusses a number of argumentative strategies that the latter can apply to answer the “there can be only one” argument. I show here that the reply to this argument suggested by J. Turner has its disadvantages and suggest a number of adjustments thereof. In particular, I develop a concept of domain-specific quantifiers that allow the pluralist to elaborate his or her ontological position.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/s10516-019-09423-4

Full citation:

Garbacz, P. (2019). Existential quantifier and ontological pluralism. Axiomathes 29 (5), pp. 531-540.