(1999) Alfred Tarski and the Vienna circle, Dordrecht, Springer.

Fritz Mauthner, Das philosophische Werk in 10 bänden (ed. ludger lütkehaus)

Camilla R. Nielsen

pp. 333-335

Seventy years after its first edition in 1910/11, Fritz Mauthner's Wörterbuch der Philosophie (Dictionary of Philosophy) was republished in a paperback edition in 1980.1 At that time Mauthner's work was undergoing a renaissance as a result of a new interest in the hitherto neglected language-critical tradition of analytic philosophy. Attracting the interest of scholars and writers alike, this dictionary was soon no longer available. Now in a laudable initiative, Ludger Lütkehaus has set about republishing ten volumes of Mauthner's philosophical oeuvre. First to appear are volumes 1 to 3, comprising his Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Neue Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache (Dictionary of Philosophy. New Contributions to a Critique of Language). This work, though not his first, is perhaps Mauthner's most accessible one and thus offers a good introduction to his life's project.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-0689-6_30

Full citation:

Nielsen, C. R. (1999). Review of Fritz Mauthner, Das philosophische Werk in 10 bänden (ed. ludger lütkehaus). , pp. 333-335.