
Dean W. Zimmerman

with Dean, W. (1993). The ontology of physical objects: four-dimensional hunks of matter. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53, pp. 220-224.

with Dean, W. (1996). Could extended objects be made out of simple parts?: an argument for "atomless gunk". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (1), pp. 1-29.

(2002). Persons and bodies: constitution without mereology?. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (3), pp. 599-606.

(2002). Scala and the spinning spheres. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (2), pp. 398-405.

with Dean, W. (2009). Properties, minds, and bodies: an examination of Sydney Shoemaker's metaphysics. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (3), pp. 673-738.