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The moral sense and its foundational significance: self, person, historicity, community
Phenomenological praxeology and psychiatry
Edited by
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
Publication details
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-0555-9
Full citation:
Tymieniecka, A.-T. (ed) (1990). The moral sense and its foundational significance: self, person, historicity, community: Phenomenological praxeology and psychiatry, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Table of Contents
Table of contents
The phenomenologico-sociological conception of the "human being-on-the- brink-of-existence"
Barral Mary Rose

Human selfhood, will, personal development, and community life in a physchiatric perspective

Hacia un concepto significativo de lo patologico y lo sano, de la anormal y lo normal
Jarquín Marín Miguel

Recovering the moral sense of health care from academic reification
Scudder Jr John R, Bishop Anne H

Index of names
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