with Kruse, A. , 2017, 'Introduction to the special issue "doxastic agency and epistemic responsibility"', Synthese 194 (8), 2667-2671.
, 2017, 'Remarks on the logic of imagination: a step towards understanding doxastic control through imagination', Synthese 194 (8), 2843-2861.
with Kruse, A. (eds) , 2017, Synthese 194 (8).
with Odintsov, S. P. , 2016, On the methodology of paraconsistent logic, in H. Andreas & P. Verdée (eds.), Logical studies of paraconsistent reasoning in science and mathematics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 175-204.
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with Semmling, C. , 2011, Logik, in P. H. Breitenstein & J. Rohbeck (Hrsg.), Philosophie, Stuttgart, Metzler, pp. 213-231.
with Makinson, D. , Malinowski, J. , 2009, From logic to mathematical philosophy, in D. Makinson, J. Malinowski & H. Wansing (eds.), Towards mathematical philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-7.
with Makinson, D. , Malinowski, J. (eds) , 2009, Towards mathematical philosophy: papers from the Studia logica conference Trends in logic IV, Springer, Dordrecht.
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