Matti Sintonen

, 2014, Social construction – by whom?, in D. Dieks, S. Hartmann, T. Uebel, M. Weber & M. C. Galavotti (eds.), New directions in the philosophy of science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 267-278.

, 2010, Scientific realism, the new mechanical philosophers, and the friends of modelling, in F. Stadler (ed.), The present situation in the philosophy of science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 257-281.

, 2005, 'Scientific explanation: conclusiveness conditions on explanation-seeking questions', Synthese 143 (1-2), 179-205.

, 2004, Argument, inference and reasoning — integrating induction and deduction, in F. Stadler (ed.), Induction and deduction in the sciences, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 121-133.

with Kiikeri, M. , 2004, Scientific discovery, in I. Niiniluoto, M. Sintonen & J. Woleński (eds.), Handbook of epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 205-253.

with Niiniluoto, I. , Woleński, J. (eds) , 2004, Handbook of epistemology, Springer, Dordrecht.

, 1999, 'Why questions, and why just why-questions?', Synthese 120 (1), 125-135.

, 1994, 'Knowing and making: Kantian themes in Hintikka's philosophy', Grazer Philosophische Studien 49, 121-134.

, 1991, 'How evolutionary theory faces the reality', Synthese 89 (1), 163-183.

, 1984a, 'Erklärung-Begründung-Kausalität', Grazer Philosophische Studien 22, 179-191.