Roger Pouivet

, 2017, 'Le droit de (ne pas) croire: Une réponse à Pascal Engel', Philosophia Scientiae 21 (3), 147-164.

, 2013, 'Bocheński on divine ineffability', Studies in East European Thought 65 (1-2), 43-51.

, 2009, Jan Salamucha's analytical thomism, in S. Lapointe, J. Woleński, M. Marion & W. Miskiewicz (eds.), The Golden age of Polish philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 235-245.

with Rebuschi, M. , 2008, 'Preface', Philosophia Scientiae 12 (1), 1-5.

with Rebuschi, M. (eds) , 2008, Philosophia Scientiae 12 (1).

with Bastit, M. , 2006, 'Éditorial (incipit)', Philosophia Scientiae 10 (1), 1-4.

with Bastit, M. (eds) , 2006a, Philosophia Scientiae 10 (1).