Rolf von Eckartsberg

, 1998a, Existential-phenomenological research, in R. Valle (ed.), Phenomenological inquiry in psychology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 21-61.

, 1998b, Introducing existential-phenomenological psychology, in R. Valle (ed.), Phenomenological inquiry in psychology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 3-20.

, 1989, The social psychology of person perception and the experience of valued relationships, in R. Valle & S. Halling (eds.), Existential-phenomenological perspectives in psychology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 137-154.

, 1983, 'Existential-phenomenology, validity and the trans-personal ground of psychological theorizing', Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 4, 199-206.

, 1981a, Heideggerian thinking and the Eastern mind, in R. Von Eckartsberg (ed.), Metaphors of consciousness, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 287-311.

, 1981b, Maps of the mind, in R. Von Eckartsberg (ed.), Metaphors of consciousness, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 21-93.

(ed) , 1981, Metaphors of consciousness, Springer, Dordrecht.

, 1979, 'The eco-psychology of personal culture building: An existential-hermeneutic approach', Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 3, 227-244.

, 1975, 'The eco-psychology of motivational theory and research', Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 2, 155-181.

with Giorgi, A.P. , Fischer, W. , 1971, 'Introduction', Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 1, xi-xiv.

, 1971a, 'An approach to experiential social psychology', Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 1, 325-372.

, 1971b, 'On experiential methodology', Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 1, 66-79.

, 1971c, 'Toward an ecological social psychology of the individual and the idea of life style', Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 1, 373-384.

with Giorgi, A.P. , Fischer, W. (eds) , 1971a, Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 1.