Michael Beaney

, 2016, Susan Stebbing and the early reception of logical empiricism in britain, in C. Damböck (ed.), Influences on the Aufbau, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 233-256.

, 2013, Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy: the development of the idea of rational reconstruction, in E. Reck (ed.), The historical turn in analytic philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 231-260.

(ed) , 2007, The analytic turn: Analysis in early analytic philosophy and phenomenology, Routledge, London-New York.

with Penco, C. , Vignolo, M. (eds) , 2007a, Explaining the mental: Naturalist and non-naturalist approaches to mental acts and processes, Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle.

, 2003a, Susan Stebbing on Cambridge and Vienna analysis, in F. Stadler (ed.), The Vienna circle and logical empiricism, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 339-350.