Augusto Ponzio

with Petrilli, S. , 2018, 'With John Deely in semio-philosophical research', The American Journal of Semiotics 34 (1-2), 163-187.

with Petrilli, S. , 2015, Language as primary modeling and natural languages: a biosemiotic perspective, in E. Velmezova, K. Kull & S. J. Cowley (eds.), Biosemiotic perspectives on language and linguistics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 47-76.

, 2015, Linguistica saussuriana ed economia politica, in S. Petrilli (ed.), Scienze dei linguaggi e linguaggi delle scienze, Milano, Mimesis, pp. 27-42.

with Petrilli, S. , 2015, Visions of the other and free indirect speech in artistic discourse: bakhtin, Pasolini, and Deleuze, in , International handbook of semiotics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 181-199.

with Petrilli, S. , 2013a, 'Modelleerimine, dialoogilisus ja funktsiooniring: biosemiootilisi ja filosoofilisi vaateid. kokkuvõte', Sign systems studies 41 (1), 114-115.

with Petrilli, S. , 2013b, 'Modelling, dialogism and the functional cycle: biosemiotic and philosophical insights', Sign systems studies 41 (1), 93-113.

, 2012, Ferruccio Rossi-Landi e la filosofia del linguaggio, Pensa MultiMedia, Lecce.

with Petrilli, S. , 2010, 'Jeff Bernard and Ferruccio Rossi-Landi: a friendship founded on mutual appreciation of their respective research perspectives', The American Journal of Semiotics 26 (1-4), 67-92.

, 2004a, 'Modeling, communication, and dialogism', The American Journal of Semiotics 20 (1-4), 157-178.

, 2004b, 'Rossi-Landi fra "Ideologie" e "Scienze umane"', Athanor 14, 73-86.

, 2003a, 'Modeling, dialogue, and globality: biosemiotics and semiotics of self. 1. semiosis, modeling, and dialogism', Sign systems studies 31 (1), 25-62.

, 2003b, 'Modelleerimine, dialoog, globaalsus: biosemiootika ja enesesemiootika. 1. semioos, modelleerimine, dialogism. kokkuvõte', Sign systems studies 31 (1), 62-63.

with Petrilli, S. , 2001, 'Bioethics, semiotics of life, and global communication', Sign systems studies 29 (1), 263-274.

, 1988-1989, 'L'epoché di Husserl in Ferruccio Rossi-Landi', Protagora 28-29 (13-16), 107-119.

, 1972, 'Basi biologiche e strutture storico-sociali del linguaggio', aut aut 129-130, 83-103.

, 1970, 'Dimensioni semantico-pragmatiche e classi sociali', aut aut 119-120, 85-99.

, 1967a, 'Fenomenologia del significato', aut aut 98, 74-84.

, 1967b, La relazione interpersonale, Adriatica, Bari.

, 1966a, 'La relazione interpersonale', aut aut 95, 52-68.