Patrick Flack

Senior Lecturer in history of ideas of Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Fribourg since 2021. He studied Russian, philosophy and history in Geneva, Berlin and Moscow, before obtaining a PhD from Charles University in Prague (2011). He was then a SNF post-doc researcher at the Central-European Institute of Philosophy (Prague), the Peter-Szondi Institute (Berlin) and the Husserl Archives (Leuven). In 2012, he founded sdvig press, an open access digital publishing platform, which runs the international project Open Commons of Phenomenology



(2024). Squares, circles and triangulations: Roman Jakobson, the Prague Linguistic Circle and the intellectual configurations of interwar Prague. Střed, 16 (2), 8-28.

(2024). The word is not enough: thinking Russian Formalism beyond literary theory. Vremennik russkogo formalizma, 1, 5-40.

(2023). Inner form and the development of the concept of expression in structuralism and phenomenology (Špet, Jakobson, Merleau-Ponty). Histoire Épistémologie Langage, 45 (1), 87-104.

(2023). Phenomenology as an abortive science of art: two contexts of early phenomenological aesthetics (allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft and GAChN). Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, 10 (2), 109-125.

(2023). Phenomenology in German-speaking areas and in Russia. In M. Mrugalski, S. Schahadat, & I. Wutsdorff (Eds.). Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West (pp. 309-322). Berlin: de Gruyter.

with Martin, E. , Mrugalski, M. (2022). Neo-Kantian philosophy as method and network. In E. Martin, M. Mrugalski, & P. Flack (Eds.). Neo-Kantianism as an entanglement of intellectual cultures in Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 7-13). Genève-Lausanne: sdvig press.

with Martin, E. , Mrugalski, M. (eds) (2022). Neo-Kantianism as an entanglement of intellectual cultures in Central and Eastern Europe: Neukantianismus als Verflechtung von Wissenskulturen Mittel-und Osteuropas. Genève-Lausanne: sdvig press.

(2021). Hendrik Pos, la conscience linguistique et la phénoménologie du langage. Signifiances (Signifying), 5 (1), 163-182.

(2020). Le "sens du réel" et l'indication chez Trần Đức Thảo: Une comparaison critique avec Hendrik Pos. Histoire Épistémologie Langage, 42 (2), 49-62.