Marlies Kronegger
(2005). Bizet's Carmen. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). The enigma of good and evil (pp. 563-564). Dordrecht: Springer.
(2002). Les passions de l'âme et l'ontopoiesie de la vie. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Life - energies, forces and the shaping of life (pp. 27-40). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(2000). Chinese gardens: The relation of man to nature in seventeenth-century French culture. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). The origins of life II (pp. 287-322). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(2000). Introduction. In M. Kronegger (Ed.). The orchestration of the arts — a creative symbiosis of existential powers (pp. 1-2). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (2000). Toward the aesthetics of enchantment. In M. Kronegger, & A. Tymieniecka (Eds.). The aesthetics of enchantment in the fine arts (pp. ix-x). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(ed) (2000). The orchestration of the arts — a creative symbiosis of existential powers: The vibrating interplay of sound, color, image, gesture, movement, rhythm, fragrance, word, touch. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (eds) (2000). The aesthetics of enchantment in the fine arts. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1999). Poetic inspiration and the renewal of life: le songe de vaux. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Life — the outburst of life in the human sphere (pp. 169-200). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1998). Nights calls for dawn: J. M. G. Le Clézio and Michel Rio. In M. Kronegger, & A. Tymieniecka (Eds.). Life (pp. 267-271). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1998). The creative source: Rodin. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Phenomenology of life and the human creative condition (pp. 281-302). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1998). The feast of life, joy and love: The laughter and smile of the soul. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Enjoyment (pp. 3-31). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (eds) (1998). Life: Differentiation and harmony... vegetal, animal, human. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1997). Racine's "berenice": Profane and sacred spaces and places. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Passion for place Book II (pp. 57-70). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (eds) (1996). Life: the human quest for an ideal. Dordrecht: Springer.
(1995). From profane space to the sacred place or center in désert by Le Clézio: The experience of seeing, hearing, perceiving, breathing rather than thinking space and place. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). The elemental passion for place in the ontopoiesis of life (pp. 121-133). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1994). A.-T. Tymieniecka's challenges: From a spiritual wasteland to transcendence. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). From the sacred to the divine (pp. 83-87). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1994). Allegorical journeys toward the wholeness and unity of the sea: Marguerite Yourcenar. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Allegory revisited (pp. 3-15). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1994). Allegorical voyages: louis XIII and the sacred. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). From the sacred to the divine (pp. 127-148). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1994). Allegory and maxim: Power and faith, passions and virtues. In A. Tymieniecka, & M. Kronegger (Eds.). Allegory old and new (pp. 3-27). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Tymieniecka, A.-T. (eds) (1994). Allegory old and new: In literature, the fine arts, music and theatre, and its continuity in culture. Dordrecht: Springer.
(1992). Reason and laughter: JeAnne d'Arc au bûcher and La danse des morts. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). The elemental dialectic of light and darkness (pp. 351-361). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1991). Inscriptions: between phenomenology and structuralism. The American Journal of Semiotics, 8 (1-2), 169-171.
(1991). Tymieniecka's vindication of the life significance of literature. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). New queries in aesthetics and metaphysics (pp. 195-212). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(ed) (1991). Phenomenology and aesthetics: Approaches to comparative literature and the other arts. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1990). Heidegger's being and time: a reading for readers. The American Journal of Semiotics, 7 (3), 113-116.
(1989). Phenomenological approaches to the creative orchestration of literature and aesthetics. In E. F. Kaelin, & C. Schrag (Eds.). American phenomenology (pp. 421-423). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1988). "Poetics at the creative crucibles" offering new guidelines for literary interpretation. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Poetics of the elements in the human condition II (pp. 3-5). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1988). From fire to fireworks in baroque poetry. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Poetics of the elements in the human condition II (pp. 259-279). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1988). The tempestuous conflict of the elements in baroque poetry and painting. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Poetics of the elements in the human condition II (pp. 73-88). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
(1985). Mirror reflections: The poetics of water in French baroque poetry. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). Poetics of the elements in the human condition: the sea (pp. 245-260). Dordrecht: Reidel.
(1984). Literary impressionism and phenomenology: Affinities and contrasts. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). The existential coordinates of the human condition (pp. 521-533). Dordrecht: Springer.
(1984). The birth of tragedy out of the spirit of music: Claudel, Milhaud and the Oresteia. In A. Tymieniecka (Ed.). The existential coordinates of the human condition (pp. 273-293). Dordrecht: Springer.
(1983). Representation and subjectivity in modern literature. In J. Deely, & M. D. Lenhart (Eds.). Semiotics 1981 (pp. 231-237). Dordrecht: Springer.