Calendar | Lecture Series

Síntesis activa. Phenomenological Investigations of Psychopathology and Psychiatry

Köln, 6 June- 1 August 2024

Official Website

The Husserl Archives of the University of Cologne, the Chilean Association of Phenomenology, and the Institute of Philosophy of the Diego Portales University invites to the workshop «Síntesis Activa. Phenomenological Investigations on Psychopathology and Psychiatry». The primary purpose of this activity is to explore and discuss problems related to phenomenology and its incursions into psychopathology and psychiatry in the context of the German and Chilean phenomenological communities.

From the beginning, phenomenology was in contact with problems related to psychology, and even Husserl recognized that his approach was parallel to it. Other phenomenologists, such as Merleau-Ponty and even Heidegger, in the Zollikon Seminars, discussed in their respective philosophical works problems related to the psychology and psychiatry of their time. Nowadays, there are philosophers and thinkers close to phenomenology who have discussed how it illuminates or makes explicit phenomena relevant to psychological and psychiatric research, such as Toombs, Carel, Svenaeus, Rattclife, and Fuchs, among others. In this respect, there are plenty of reasons to indicate that the problem is current and that phenomenological research in these fields is fruitful.

We will explore and discuss the topic through six sessions, each featuring one speaker from Germany and one from Chile.

Registration is required here:


6 sessions

17:00 to 19:00 hrs (Germany)

11:00 to 13:00 hrs. (Chile)

Thursdays, June 6 and 20, July 4 and 18, and August 1