Can identity be relativized?
Otávio Bueno
Category theory and the search for universals
Alberto Peruzzi
Using each other's words
Marcus Kracht
Symbolic existence in Hugh MacColl
Juan Redmond
Hexagonal logic of the field $mathbb{f}_{8}$ as a boolean logic with three involutive modalities
René Guitart
A note on the internal logic of constructive mathematics
Yvon Gauthier
A roadmap to decidability
João Rasga, Cristina Sernadas, Amílcar Sernadas
Lossy inference rules and their bounds
David Makinson
Is logic universal or hierarchical?
Ivor Grattan-Guinness
Universal logic or logics in resemblance families
Dale Jacquette
Béziau's contributions to the logical geometry of modalities and quantifiers
Hans Smessaert, Lorenz Demey
Arnon Avron
Naturalizing natural deduction
David DeVidi , Herbert Korté
The move from one to two quantifiers
Wilfrid Hodges
Daniel Parrochia
Personal recollections about JYB by Newton Da Costa and others
Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska
Constructive mathematics in St. Petersburg, Russia
Vladik Kreinovich
Logic and argumentation in Belgium
Jean Paul Van Bendegem
Realist consequence, epistemic inference, computational correctness
Giuseppe Primiero
Finite-variable logics do not have weak beth definability property
Hajnal Andréka, István Németi
On normalizing disjunctive intermediate logics
Jonathan P. Seldin
On universality and formality in 19th century symbolic logic
Javier Legris
Russian origins of non-classical logics
Valentin A. Bazhanov
The relation between logic, set theory and topos theory as it is used by Alain Badiou
Régis Angot-Pellissier
A natural axiom system for boolean algebras with applications
R. E. Hodel
On rules and refereeing in football
Amirouche Moktefi, Fabien Schang
Preface and prospectus to a planned "history vs. philosophy of logic" text
Irving H. Anellis
Logics and their galaxies
Hilan Bensusan, Alexandre Costa-Leite, Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza
A formal framework for hypersequent calculi and their fibring
Marcelo Coniglio, Martín Figallo
Francine F. Abeles , Mark E Fuller
The historical sources of tree graphs and the tree method in the work of Peirce and Gentzen
Irving H. Anellis , Francine F. Abeles
Topological aspects of matrix abduction 1
Azriel Laufer, Dov M. Gabbay
Ibn sīnā's two-partite versus nine-partite logicography
Musa Akrami
John Buridan on non-contingency syllogisms
Stephen Read
Peirce's role in the history of logic
Topological aspects of matrix abduction 2
Mai Ben Adar Bessos, Dov M. Gabbay
Deciding theoremhood in fibred logics without shared connectives
Sérgio Marcelino, Carlos Caleiro, Pedro Baltazar
Homotopical categories of logics
Peter Arndt
The English tenses, Blanché and the logical kite
Dany Jaspers
Two, many, and differently many
Diderik Batens
The distributed ontology, modeling and specification language – dol
Till Mossakowski, Mihai Codescu, Fabian Neuhaus, Oliver Kutz
The algebra of opposition (and universal logic interpretations)
Răzvan Diaconescu
Logical autobiography 50
Jean-Yves Béziau
On metalogical relativism
Vladimir L. Vasyukov
Being consistent about inconsistency
Didier Dubois, Henri Prade
Universal logic as a science of patterns
Brian R. Gaines
From (paraconsistent) topos logic to universal (topos) logic
Luis Estrada-González
Tarski's recantation
Philippe de Rouilhan
Epistemological and ontological paraconsistency in quantum mechanics
Christian de Ronde
On the contrary
Laurence Horn
Negative modalities in the light of paraconsistency
Hitoshi Omori , Toshiharu Waragai
Alessio Moretti
Paradox of analyticity and related issues
Jan Woleński
Aristotle on language and universal proof
Jean-Louis Hudry
Belnap constants and Nelson logic
Sergei P. Odintsov
On the way to modern logic
Roman Murawski
Operativity and representativity of the sign in Leibniz
Olga Pombo
Constructivism and metamathematics
Béziau on and and or
Lloyd Humberstone
Investigating knowledge and opinion
John Corcoran , Idris Samawi Hamid
Potentiality and contradiction in quantum mechanics
Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart , Décio Krause
The meaning(s) of "is"
Ignacio Angelelli
Causality and attribution in an Aristotelian theory
Srećko Kovač
Caramuel and the "quantification of the predicate"
Wolfgang Lenzen