Josephine Machon

, 2016, On being immersed: the pleasure of being, in J. Frieze (ed.), Reframing immersive theatre, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 29-42.

, 2013, Naomi Wallace and the politics of desire, in S. T. Cummings & E. Stevens Abbitt (eds.), The theatre of Naomi Wallace, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89-102.

with Broadhurst, S. , 2009, Introduction, in S. Broadhurst & J. Machon (eds.), Sensualities/textualities and technologies, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-6.

, 2009, (Syn)aesthetic writings: Caryl Churchill's sensual textualities and the rebirth of text, in S. Broadhurst & J. Machon (eds.), Sensualities/textualities and technologies, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 201-216.

with Broadhurst, S. (eds) , 2009a, Sensualities/textualities and technologies: writings of the body in 21st century performance, Springer, Dordrecht.