Gary Hatfield

with Dubouclez, O. , 2017, 'L'attention chez Descartes : aspect mental et aspect physiologique', Les études philosophiques - nouvelle série 171, 7-26 .

, 2015, 'Objectifying the phenomenal in experimental psychology: Titchener and beyond', Philosophia Scientiae 19 (3), 73-94.

, 2013, Psychology, epistemology, and the problem of the external world: Russell and before, in E. Reck (ed.), The historical turn in analytic philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 171-200.

, 2009, Psychology in philosophy: historical perspectives, in S. Heinämaa & M. Reuter (eds.), Psychology and philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-25.

, 1996a, 'The importance of the history of science for philosophy in general', Synthese 106 (1), 113-138.