Tina Chanter

, 2015, Exhuming the remains of Antigone's tragedy, in A. Welchman (ed.), Politics of religion/religions of politics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 143-170.

, 2010, Antigone's liminality: Hegel's racial purification of tragedy and the naturalization of slavery, in K. Hutchings & T. Pulkkinen (eds.), Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 61-85.

, 2007, 'Antigone's excessive relationship to fetishism: the performative politics and rebirth of eros and philia from ancient Greece to modern South Africa', Symposium 11 (2), 231-260.

with Colnnan, A. , 2001, 'Abjection, film, politics: race, gender, class and nation in Neil Jordan's The crying game', Glimpse 3 (1), 51-62.

, 2000a, Review: , , Continental Philosophy Review 33 (4), pp. 487-497.

, 2000b, Wild meanings: Luce Irigaray's reading of Merleau-Ponty, in L. Lawlor & F. Evans (eds.), Chiasms, Albany, SUNY Press, pp. 219-236.

, 1998a, Giving time and death: Levinas, Heidegger, and the trauma of the gift, in D. Martino (ed.), Levinas, Pittsburgh, Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, pp. n/a.

, 1998b, 'The temporality of saying: Politics beyond the ontological difference', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 20/21 (2-1), 503-528.