Gernot Böhme

, 2018a, 'Self-cultivation according to Immanuel Kant', Dialogue and universalism 28 (4), 95-108.

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, 2014a, 'Atmosphare als Begriff der Ästhetik', Studia Phaenomenologica 14, 25-28.

, 2014b, 'Being human well: a proto-ethic', Dialogue and universalism 24 (4), 32-43.

, 2014c, 'Light and space: on the phenomenology of light', Dialogue and universalism 24 (4), 62-73.

, 2014d, 'Meditation as the exploration of forms of consciousness', Dialogue and universalism 24 (4), 21-31.

, 2014e, 'My body—my lived-body', Dialogue and universalism 24 (4), 44-53.

, 2014f, 'The voice in bodily space', Dialogue and universalism 24 (4), 54-61.

, 2014g, 'What kind of society do we want to live in?', Dialogue and universalism 24 (4), 11-20.

, 2007, Sprache als Quelle des Selbst, in C. Magerski, R. Savage & C. Weller (Hrsg.), Moderne begreifen, Wiesbaden, Deutscher Universitätsverlag, pp. 183-192.

, 2002a, 'Licht und Raum', Logos (Neue Folge) 7, 448-463.

, 2002b, On human nature, in A. Grunwald, M. Gutmann & E. Neumann-Held (eds.), On human nature, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 3-14.

, 1993, Natur — ein Thema für die Psychologie?, in H. Seel, R. Sichler & B. Fischerlehner (Hrsg.), Mensch — Natur, Wiesbaden, Vieweg+Teubner, pp. 27-39.

, 1987, Is Goethe's theory of color science?, in F. Amrine, F. J. Zucker & H. Wheeler (eds.), Goethe and the sciences, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 147-173.

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, 1979, Alternatives in science — alternatives to science?, in H. Nowotny & H. Rose (eds.), Counter-movements in the sciences, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 105-125.

, 1977, Cognitive norms, knowledge- interests and the constitution of the scientific object: a case study in the functioning of rules for experimentation, in E. Mendelsohn, P. Weingart & R. Whitley (eds.), The social production of scientific knowledge, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 129-141.

, a, 'An end to progress?', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 12 (1-2), 237-250.

, b, 'Coping with science', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 12 (1-2), 1-47.