Ugo Perone

, 2011a, 'Emotionalität als anthropologische Komponente', Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 2, 1277-1286.

, 2011b, Premessa, in B. Waldenfels, Estraneo, straniero, straordinario, Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, pp. n/a.

Waldenfels, B. , 2011, Estraneo, straniero, straordinario: Saggi di fenomenologia responsiva, ed. Perone Ugo, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino.

, 2010a, 'Public space and its metaphors', Symposium 14 (2), 5-18.

, 2010b, 'The risks of the present: Benjamin, Bonhoeffer and Celan', Symposium 14 (2), 19-34.